Women’s heart attacks present differently to men’s, researchers say, affecting diagnosis and treatment

Rowena Newman did boot camp twice a week, had good blood pressure and ate well.

Being a single mother in a high-pressure marketing job, going to bed exhausted was not unusual.

But one night she was so tired that when she tried to stand, her leg muscles weren’t working properly.

It was a shock when she woke up at 3am the next morning feeling “something catastrophic was happening”.

“It felt like I had a butterfly in my chest,” Ms Newman said.

The 47-year-old felt her heart fluttering, but not pumping.

The Sydney-based mother called out to her 11-year-old daughter Claudia,

BBSRC invests £48 million in lifelong health research at Babraham Institute – UKRI

Following a five-year review by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), the Babraham Institute will receive £48 million to support core research across epigenetics, immunology and cell signalling.

Over the next four years, BBSRC’s investment will drive key research on the mechanisms that maintain the health of our cells, tissues and organs across the whole life course.

A focus on fundamental research

Babraham’s fundamental research focuses on understanding biology in relation to maintaining health, especially with regards to protecting and maximizing good health in the later years of life.

Older age brings many opportunities but can also be